FAIRWEST Shipping Company Limited has announced that one of its passenger vessels MV Fair Glory will make special trip to repatriate all stranded Western Province residents next week.
The announcement came after the Western Provincial Disaster Operations Centre (PDOC) approved the repatriation trip for next Monday.
In announcing the trip Fairwest Shipping said: “MV Fair Glory will make a special trip to the Western Province on the 28th February for all stranded WP residents. Will give further updates on office opening hours once all travel protocols have been finalised.”
Already a good number of passengers who have been stuck for nearly a month in the city are excited to return home.
Many of them are government workers, private business people, sports people and ordinary village residents.
A father whose family got stranded after returning from another province expressed that being stuck in Honiara for this long has been costly because of rent and food.
The condition to travel is all passengers must be fully vaccinated and have a negative swab test.
The ship will call in at three ports only namely, Seghe in Marovo, Noro and Gizo.
This is because these ports have clinics and health facilities.
Upon arrival at these ports nurses and police will monitor passengers and swab them before can go for their home/quarantine and home/isolation.
The final travel list is being finalized.
Those in Western Province who wish to return to Honiara can arrange with PDOC.