Dear Editor – I wish to comment on the above title as written by Mr Mark Wate , published in your paper dated Saturday 16th May 2015, Issue No.5818.
The subject of discussion was about Law and Grace. Why are there so many differences and division seen with in Theology and the Christian’s held views?
Is it because of the disciples views and Teachings about Jesus and the Gospel contradict with each other? The answer must be no.
Based on the above subject and the arguments by Feratelia against Rev Maefonea and Mr Mark Wate, One can decide for oneself the answer to above question.
It is very obvious that anyone can now read the bible because of the vast developments in our age today.
However, you cannot Interpret it accordingly to Its True Meanings if you are not been inspired by the spirit of the prophesy.
My advice to you Mr Mark Wate and the others ( including ourselves) is to; Stop fooling ourselves by telling others that your view on the subject is the Truth.
This is because the messages in the bible are written or given to the prophets with wisdom and are coded.
For you to say that the bible is the truth then you should not interpret it in any way (theologically to your own ideas) at all to avoid misleading all Christian’s.
Jesus wish was for all to be one as he said that I (Jesus) and my Father are one (John 17; 21). All Christians’ can only become one, If we just read the bible as it is and not to try and explain it according to our own theological views but seek God’s view. Truth is unique unchanging and is absolute it cannot be change by any single one.
This is because God’s thoughts are not our thoughts. Sorry to say but to be truthful , there are very serious consequences with regards to this. Your definition of law and Grace as you thought to be the right one does not appeal to be the one as you might have claimed. For your information Mr Wate, as you argued that the Law and Grace is two different things and can be applied to different people then you are a lie! (Mathew 19; 16 – 26) You will know very well that Jesus also teaches about the Law. If you been a Rev / good Christian , I suppose that you read and know this simple truth in ( Mathew 5: 17 – 20). Jesus said that He came not to destroy the Law but to fulfil it. I think that this is very clearly stated before His death and resurrection. The law has not been completely done away with and you have no biblical prove to back your dubious claim. Law still works and to prove it, If one commits adultery now then he/she had committed sin against the law. Hence Law and Grace are interrelated as one cannot be given Grace if he/she does not commits sin and thus needs to repent. But Grace is the kindness by which God gives favour and blessings upon the ill deserving, grant to sinners the pardon of their offences. The Law is like a mirror or a guide for All of us just like Our highest governing law in the country for all its Citizens. To be short, If you are Condemned then it means you need Grace. For grace is given only to those who are been condemned just like a healthy person does not need to see a doctor if he/she is not sick. Therefore only through Law can one Knows that he/she is condemned and because the law was set as the Judge (standard) for all. Learn from your own surrounding and I guess, it speaks louder for itself. Jesus himself said ones to his disciples, I have speak in parables but there will come a time, when He the spirit of truth comes he will guide you and even tell you plainly about the things (John 16: 12,13 & 25). I hope you know this bible verses , if not then we should Read the Bible with ardent heart and Prayer for wisdom from God. But do not try and interpret it according to your own theological view and become arrogant towards others. My hope is for you ( Mark Wate) and others to resolve your theological differences and live to fulfil Jesus’ wish, for us to be one. There are lots more to be said but for now, just do the right thing and let God do the rest .Thank you and may we find Grace in the Lords eyes when we repent from our sins. Amen.
Brianden Maedolah Ilala