The Heritage Park Hotel has come to the support of Gizo netball association by availing their premier venue, the Club HP for the association to conduct its fundraising this evening starting at 6pm.
And the Hotel is doing so at no cost to the association meaning all funds raised will be kept by the association for developing the sport of Netball in Gizo.
And as if that’s not enough the Hotel management has further agreed for an extended happy hour for the entire duration of the night, from 6pm till 2am. SolBrew beer will be sold at a give-away price of $15 per bottle to enable those supporting the fundraising get drinks at the cheapest price possible.
Heritage Park Hotel avails the premises to various national sport federations to conduct fundraising after realizing the great difficulties they face in raising funds. Availability of suitable venue has always been the major hurdle but this is now a history.
The venue is available on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursday each week and those interested can call 7772177 for bookings. The National Federations can’t thank the hotel enough. “This sounds too good to be true, but it’s the truth and that’s what has been happening since early this year” sounded one Wrestling official.
Tonight’s event starts at 6pm and activities to include raffles, an auction, and an Inter Company Pool Competition. Further information can be obtained by calling 7772177. Entrance tickets can be purchased from Myrah Top at ANZ Bank on phone 7574633 or from Rendy Solomon and other Western Netball Officials currently meeting at the Honiara Hotel.