STUDYING journalism opens doors to a range of careers where your creativity, writing, communication and research skills are valuable.
Solomon Star senior journalist Andrew Fanasia told the King George Sixth form 5 red students last Thursday.
Mr. Fanasia was invited by their English Class teacher Angela Suirara to talk on the role of media and journalism as a career.
As part of the students’ English class Mr. Fanasia also highlighted the importance of ‘Letter to the Editor’ which is usually published in the newspaper to raise various issues affecting the people.
“Journalism is an interesting career just like any other career you want to choose in the future. Your commitment and passion including the education you gain will help you in this field.
“Some people said journalists enjoy the freedom in Solomon Islands or where else in the world, it’s not true because the mark of a good journalist comes with responsibility,
“To be a good journalist, you must possess a “solid ethical core” and integrity.
“Journalists must have their audience’s trust in order to succeed. Fairness, objectivity and honesty are three factors that need to be built into every story.
“This is a challenge for journalists but we have to practice and live with it,” Mr. Fanasia told the students yesterday.
He further added that you will hear that journalists in this country must always be reminded to feed the public with factual information because journalists or media plays a vital role in nation building.
“Not only that but media also help us to expose corruption in our governance system,” he added.
He added that choosing journalism career will not land only in the newspaper and radio or TV news rooms there other areas like communication officers, public relations and researcher in other organizations.
Meanwhile, class teacher Mrs. Suirara thanked the Solomon Star newsroom for allowing their reporter to share his experience and the role of media in the country.
“I believe some of the students in this class will one day end up become professional journalists in the future,
“I also want my students to try and write the letter to editor and express or raise issues of concern to them because this is part of their English subject,” she said.
By Lachlan Eddie
Newsroom, Honiara