CONCERNED chief in East Kwara’ae, Malaita Province urges East Malaita customary land owners to settle their inner self attitude first before thinking about development on their land.
Chief John Ramoago said “plainly speaking, land is not the problem; it is people’s attitude that hinders development in Malaita Province”.
“I want to discourage the idea of arguing over land ownership thus ending up in the courts.
“Land is our mother to help us as custodians therefore it is not right and appropriate for us to argue over ownership of the commodity in the courts adding that there are better ways of doing it.”
“We should settle it as brothers amongst ourselves,” Mr. Ramoago said.
He added that east Malaita needs development.
“We have a lot of government ear- marked projects but they were held up due to people arguing over land.”
He said this New Year 2016 people need to change their attitudes for better so that we can achieve good things in terms of development for our benefit now and our future generations.
“We want development to happen this year in our area so that our future generation will not feel disbrivilleged as we are now”
He said right now, people of East Malaita are struggling in their living to make ends meet due to the simple fact “ lack of major development,” in the area.