COMMUNITY leaders in Malaita Province have acknowledged Red Cross for their fight against the Covid 19 by continuing to deliver COVID awareness to the communities.
It was reported that despite the high risk of COVID 19 community transmission in the province, a hard working volunteer team from Red Cross in Malaita has managed to reach the most communities with their awareness programs.
A report said that this week the team visited Dukwasi village in the Central Kwara’ae and conducted awareness to the community.
“Red Cross volunteers in Malaita Branch keep on rolling out awareness around key COVID-19 safety measures as well as vaccination.
“Yesterday, they were able to conduct awareness in Dukwasi village, sharing information to women, children, elderly as well as youths and men who attend the program,” it stated.
A community leader Emanuel Laungiau joins other leaders to acknowledge the Red Cross for their effort and responsibility to reach down to the community with information regard to COVID 19.
He said most people in rural area are still lacks with information from health authorities.
He said there are many sources of information which confused villagers especially ways to stay safe from sicknesses.
Auki News Bureau