Prime Minister Gordon Darcy Lilo has described failure after vigorous attempts to get Solomon Islands Jimmy Rodgers for the top Pacific Islands Forum job ‘unfortunate’.
Speaking to journalists after his arrival from his recent leg of visits overseas, Mr Lilo said the country pushed really hard for a Solomon Islander to hold the top post.
“It should have been time Solomon Islands be given the opportunity to lead in the region as one of the region’s biggest island countries.
“Unfortunately, there was lack of support but we are glad, now we will be focusing on other issues nationally that affects our people domestically,” he said.
He said it was a huge lost at the regional level.
“We did what we could and pushed beyond the wires, unfortunately though we did not have the advantage of resources,” he said.
He admitted losing badly during the democratic process during the course of choosing the candidate for the top job when their opponents took the advantage.