SANTA Ana people of East Makira Constituency have questioned whether the operation of the fisheries centre which was opened there last year was progressing or not.
In 2013 Fisheries Minister and Member of Parliament for East Makira Alfred Ghiroopened the fisheries centre.
A spokesperson Willie Foraásaid that the Fishery project has stopped operation for almost a year now.
“One year had passed since the Santa Ana Fisheries project was deemed completed and thus opened. It’s opened but it is no longer operational,” Mr Foraa said.
He said the MP Ghiro was also at the opening with all provincial members from East Makira.
“My question is why isn’t it operating?
“This project, if in operation was supposed to benefit fishermen from Owa and the surrounding areas,” he said.
He questioned the continuous rolling of payments to those said to be doing work at the Centre.
“Currently, the fishery project has a 40hp engine with a Yamaha boat. The driver is paid.
“There were cleaners and security people looking after the fishery building.In other words, money is going in, nothing is coming out.
“There’s something seriously wrong with that project.
“If provincial and national leaders are really concern about the rural people as they always preached in the media, I call upon them to act now.”
He said last year during the opening, Mr Ghiro promised to send down an officer from the Ministry of Fisheries to assist in the centre’s development stages.
“This never happened,” he said.
Comments are being sought from Mr Ghiro and his constituency development officer.