A total of 8 primary school in East Kwara’ae Constituency each received a carton of soccer balls early this week.
The soccer balls were funded by Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF) In Honiara through the Provincial Member for ward 15 in East Kwara’ae Martin Aniana.
Speaking to Star Sports Mr Aniana said, the primary schools received the balls on Monday and Tuesday.
“The cartons of soccer balls were handed to the head teacher of each primary school while being witnessed by the primary school students.
“The soccer balls were given in order to improve sports activities in various primary schools in ward 15.
“We will be looking forward for the next distribution of some more soccer balls for clubs within ward 15 which will be done in the near future,” Aniana said.
He added, he will be working together with the Member of Parliament (MP) for East Kwara’ae Constituency Manasseh Maelanga for the improvement of sports and other development activities in East Kwara’ae constituency including ward 15 and 16.
The head teachers of the 8 primary schools have acknowledged Mr Aniana with smiles on their faces.
“This is the first ever Provincial Members which had provided the needs of the students and teachers in trying to improve sports in ward 15,” they said.
In Auki