We are not dreaming, Osiagalo

THE article by Elton Osiagalo carried in the Solomon Star issue #5954 dated Saturday 22nd August 2015 makes very interesting reading but unfortunately “lacks substance” and can only be summed up as “unconstructive and a classic example of one creating issues out of non-issues”. However, I would like to thank him for exercising his right…

Royalty payments

Dear Editor – Your newspaper carried a very interesting article on the APID saga with a screamer headline, which unfortunately (in my humble view) reduces your reputable paper to one of public ridicule. Royalty payment, whether in logging or mining, is a statutory requirement. Every developer is required by law to pay royalty to landowners.…

TDP office

Dear Editor – We would like to respond to two articles that appeared in our local newspapers; one in the Island Sun on 18th August 2015 and the other in the Solomon Star on 20th August 2015, both complaining about the inactiveness of the Trade Disputes Panel (TDP). The TDP is one of the divisions…

$100,000 allocation for disaster unfair

Dear Editor – As the most affected constituency of Choiseul province, I’ve seen that the $100,000 allocation fund for disaster is unfair. South Choiseul constituency was badly affected by the cyclone last two months ago that caused damage to residential houses, clinics, food gardens, plantations and water supplies. So the $100,000 allocated was simply not…

Same sex marriage

Dear Editor – I thank chief John Toki for raising the above in an article on your recent paper. What he said is the ideal society that we have been living in since time immemorial and what we wish it would be like for the next, as he puts it, 100 years. Our ancestors knew…

SINU academic staff end professional development training

Solomon Islands National University (SINU) academic staff can now teach more professionally after successfully completed a five-week professional development training. A statement from the University said, the professional training was conducted by Dr Elly Govers, an overseas expert in providing training in teaching methods and assessment practices. The service of Dr Elly Govers was funded…

Tourism workshop at Bita’ama ends

A THREE days tourism operators’ training was organized at Bita’ama North Malaita last week. According to John Andrew Kiri from the area the training was organized by the Ministry of Culture & Tourism which attracted 20 participants from Lau Lagoon to Bita’ama. “It was an interesting training which motivated the operators in the Northern region…

Wharf upgrading in West ready to start

WORK on rehabilitating of Gizo main wharf and Vonunu wharf on Vella La Vella, in Western Province is set to kick off.   This was confirmed by Jimmy Nuake head of the National Transport Fund (NTF) secretariat and the Under Secretary within the Ministry of Infrastructure Development (MID). In a statement, hee said, a contractor is…

Support for ADB project to put women in top jobs

NUKU’ALOFA, (ADB) – Tongan businesses and government agencies have embraced an opportunity to build the leadership potential of their female staff through participation in an Asian Development Bank (ADB) international training and mentoring project. The Ministry of Commerce, Tourism and Labour; Tonga Power; Pacific Retail Ltd; and ANZ Bank are some of the Tongan entities…