SCHOOL results are expected to be released to the public mid this week. That’s according to the National Examination and Standard Unit (NESU), which comes under National Education Assessment Division (NEAD) of the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development. “We are currently sorting an inconsistency in recording of students that transferred from one school…

Public told to report violators

CITY mayor Andrew Mua made it clear that commuters and Honiara citizens now have the responsibility to report any bus operating on short routes. Mr Mua told journalists Friday that their new move to allocate new destinations to buses and issue business licence is expected to solve the short routes employed in recent years. “If…


New bus routes effective today By EDDIE OSIFELO SOME buses owners, drivers, and conductors have formed a task-force on Sunday to negotiate with Honiara City Council over the new bus routes. This came after HCC sets to introduce the new bus routes today in Honiara. Buses that failed to adhere to the new regulations will…