Gov’t online gateway launched

A NEW and exciting Government online gateway (portal) went live on the internet on Monday 2nd March, making it much easier to find information about the Government and the services it provides with the click of a button. Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, Finance Minister Harry Kuma, Public Service Minister Frederick Kologeto, Police Minister Anthony Veke…

Establishing SI-PNG business links 

Papua New Guinea (PNG) Prime Minister James Marape’s three-day state visit to the country has been described as a historical one. Apart from the entourage of high-level government officials, Ministers, and the media accompanying such state visit, there was also a delegation comprising of 42 business representatives from PNG, a statement from Solomon Islands Chamber…

Council stands by decision

CITY Mayor Wilson Mamae and City Clerk Rence Sore have maintained the council’s stand on One Link Pacifica’s License issue and legality through its Business License Ordinance. Following Henry Star Dorah’s article in the papers, they have reiterated that HCC cannot issue OLP a business license unless OLP obtain a Banking License from CBSI as…

Rarawa on US$100B loan proposal

FORMER Central Bank governor Denton Rarawa says the country will have problems repaying the US$100 billion loan the Government intends to borrow from a broker in China. He made the comment during his remarks at a Talk-Back Show on the national broadcaster, Monday. “It would be pure insanity if the loan is allowed to go…

Australia supports Solomons’ Buy Local campaign

The Australian Government initiative, Strongim Bisnis, is supporting a campaign that encourages Solomon Islanders to buy Solomon Islands products over imported alternatives. The message of the campaign is “Iumi Buy Lokol for Mekim Lokol Jobs”. The message highlights that when people buy Solomon Islands products, they support Solomon Islands businesses. These businesses often employ Solomon…

Russell Islands welcome investment program

Russell Islanders have welcomed the Government’s investment program and are ready to engage in any development project by genuine investors and government or donor-supported projects. In a recent meeting with the Government Sub Committee on the Reinvestment and Redevelopment in Russell Islands, the Lavukal House of Chiefs representatives have expressed their excitement and readiness to…

One Link accuses HCC

One Link Management has accused certain officials from Honiara City Council (HCC) for deliberately refusing to provide a legitimate Business License to One Link Pacifica as required under s 3(2) of the Honiara City Council (Regulation of Business Licenses) ordinance 2011. One Link Management in a statement said it is fully aware of the provision…


NATIONAL carrier Solomon Airlines has released the first image of the airline’s shiny new Airbus A320 aircraft H4-SIB, which was painted in Townsville, Australia over the weekend. The aircraft ‘Spirit of the Solomons’ formerly flew for Air New Zealand and is being fitted to Solomon Airline’s specifications before entering service shortly, a statement from Solomon…