Potential for tourism

The coastal region of North West Guadalcanal still offers an ideal spot for tourism activities which needs to be developed to support the industry and the economy. That’s the view of a Visale man John Toki while speaking to the Solomon Star during a one day trip to Visale on Monday, Mr Toki said the…

Villagers plan to produce bio-fuel

The newly established coconut crushing mill in Mangakiki, West Guadalcanal will venture into bio fuel production soon. This was stated during the opening of the new community crushing mill over the week. Operation manager of the Solomon Tropical Product (SPT) Bevan Vollrath said as production continues to increase the community will go into small bio-fuel…

Crushing mill for West Guadalcanal

A new crashing mill for West Guadalcanal was launched over the weekend at Mangakiki village. More than 200 people turned to witness the occasion. Officiating in the launching was the minister for agriculture and livestock (MAL) David Tome, provincial and national leaders of West Guadalcanal constituency, chiefs and the main supporter of the project –…

360 Discovery back on service

After weeks of suspending its services fast craft 360 Discovery is now back in service after a new engine was replaced. In a statement on Thursday, the management of BLK Investments Co Ltd, owners and operators said the boat is now ready to serve the traveling public. “We would like to inform our good traveling…

Panel of judges set for BEA 2014

A judging panel of ten high-powered women and men are gearing up for the selection of 17 winners and runner up winners for the second annual Solomon Islands Business Excellence Awards (BEA) starting Monday 11th August 2014. A statement from the Solomon Islands chamber of commerce and industries (SICCI) said the panel comprised of a…

More companies register with NFP

National Provident Fund (NFP) this year received more applications from newly formed companies to register with them. A spokesperson for the fund revealed this to the Solomon Star in an interview yesterday saying, these companies are both local and overseas. “We have quite a number of companies both local and overseas registering with NPF. He…