CYCLONE Pam has caused havoc leaving many communities in Malaita in total mess while causing fear to people.
The impact of the cyclone had resulted in many homes being blown down and food garden washed away.
Sine Sunday Mamulele villagers in East Kwara’ae have to be evacuated to the new clinic building.
A villager Anna Willie told that paper that a number of homes and kitchens were pulled to the ground by strong wind.
Since Sunday most of the villagers were living in fear as a result of the intensity of the cyclone.
Another teacher from Faumamanu School four kilometres from Mamulele village said, a number of staff houses were blown to the ground.
“This has caused fear to the people of east Malaita and forced schools to suspended classes.”
The teacher said, Since Sunday cyclone Pam has caused destruction to homes and properties.
Yesterday, cyclone had subsidised which allowed some of the people to move around.
He urged the nation to pray for people in Malaita and other provinces who are being affected by the cyclone.