Surrounding communities at GPPOL 3 in North East Guadalcanal have taken delivery of their new market building on Tuesday that will become their main source of income.
The new market building is funded under the North East Guadalcanal constituency and officially opened by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Rural Development (MRD) Allen Daonga.
Mr Daonga said the facility will help facilitate the exchange and movement of goods between the producers, farmers and the customers.
“This facility will be a source of income and revenue for many families here at GPPOL and the surrounding communities,” he said.
Daonga said the Ministry of Rural Development will continue to play a major role in the government efforts to realize the development dreams and aspiration of rural population through implementation of Rural Development Policy.
He said the government believes that to experience real growth and genuine development, the country and its people must be economically self-reliance.
He said 85 percent of the country’s population are rural who rely selling their good and products for living.
He said now that the market house is available they should make good use of it to sell their local products, foods or even handicrafts to generate incomes to meet their family need.
Community representative chief Stephen Paeni urges those who will be using the market house to make good use of it and look after it properly.
He said the community is so lucky to have the best market house within GPPOL area.
He said as of today they will no longer stand under the trees and open space to sell their product but will comfortably sell their products under roof.
He acknowledged the Government through the Ministry of Rural Development under leadership of former MP Dr Derek Sikua and GPPOL management for working together to complete the market house.