Varivao exports kava to US

Varivao Holdings Ltd has secured a new market in the United States (US) to sell its locally produced kava. Duddley Longamei the company’s managing director said this was made possible after months of conducting its own market research, initiatives and resources. “In order to reach this market it has costs us asubstantial amount of money…

FSII renews call on resource owners

THE POPULAR concern citizens group, the Forum Solomon Islands International (FSII) has renewed calls on landowners and resource owners not to rush into signing agreements without knowing and understanding their contents. FSII President Redley Raramo echoed this warning again after two similar calls this year. Raramo said while it cannot be denied that the country…

More batch of young entrepreneurs graduate

More than 20 young aspiring entrepreneurs graduated last Thursday from the Youth@Work business class. The class spanned 3 weeks and saw the young business men and women learning basic business training which covered topics such as identifying opportunities, managing a business, costing their products and analysing their intended market. The young participants of the Youth@Work…

Good job

Dear Editor – I wish to applaud the Live Stock and Livelihood department, Ministry of Agriculture for a great job in assisting local farmers with our small projects, example poultry. I applied for poultry project early this year, and even though the flash flood did affect our budgets, I was able to get assistance from…

Role of parliament

Dear Editor – Listening to the talk-back show on “Election for what” program over SIBC on Sunday 21st September, 2014, I came back to realise that those who called in to comment, did not know the role of Parliament and what Parliament is. They thought of Parliament as a place to hand out free gifts,…

Mendana’s best memorial

Dear Editor – Lately you published a front page story about a large sculpture of Alvaro de Mendana in Honiara. You reported that the Spanish Ambassador to Solomon Islands was present at the unveiling of that object. I recall from my school days that Mendana’s encounter with the ancestors of the Santa Cruz people was…

Why cut the trees?

Dear Editor – The Honiara City Council law enforcement officers say that they want the trees along Mendana Avenue to be cut down as they are providing shade for sellers of betel nut and cigarettes. Let me see if I have got this right. The City Council officers want to remove the things that can’t…

Dual citizen tortured and killed in Afghanistan was targeted because he was Australian: authorities

ABC: An Afghan Australian who was tortured and killed in Afghanistan while visiting relatives was targeted because he was Australian, authorities say. Sayed Habib Musawi, 56, grew up in Helmand Province, in Afghanistan’s south, and came to Australia by boat in 2000. He held an Australian passport and citizenship and lived in Sydney’s west with…

Logger defies order

‘Escapes with logging machines’ SAMLIMSAN logging company trading as Macranka Timber Enterprise has allegedly shrugged off a seizure order and escaped with machines. Bishop Tuhenua, a local who operates Isles Tropical Timber Limited in Rennell Island said the logging machineries were ‘silently’ loaded onto two barges and shipped from Rennell Island last week. “The first…