Taekwondo gets support

Solomon Islands Taekwondo Union (SITU) over the weekend received a timely boost ahead of this year’s Solomon Games. SITU received a new tournament mat together with some fighting and training gears over the weekend from the World Taekwondo body through its yearly fundings. According to SITU president Philip Afu, the arrival of the equipment is…

HFA pre-season kicks off

The Honiara Football Association (HFA) pre-season competition has successfully kicked off over the weekend. The competition comprises of five clubs namely Breeze Land United FC, Honiara Aleph 2, K-United FC, Sa’a United FC and Balanga FC. First two matches have been played on Saturday featuring Breeze Land and Honiara Aleph 2 followed by K/united and…

Sponsors acknowledged

The Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF) and the Telekom S-league board has acknowledged all who have thrown their support towards the success of another TSL season. Speaking during the TSL awards night, SIFF president, William Lai thanked all the sponsors, clubs, franchise owners, RISPF, media and the fans. The list of supporters revealed included the…

SIRUF lay out its programs for the season

After some times of waiting the Solomon Islands Rugby Union Federation (SIRUF) in collaboration with its member union associations, its sponsorship partners and other stakeholders will officially kick start its programs and activities for the season this week. The SIRUF calendar of events for this year (2016) is quite comprehensive which indicated that this year…

Union-Ports saga deepens

Works’ Union of Solomon Islands (WUSI) has issued a notice of request to the International Transport Federation (ITF) for an international ban on shipping services to Solomon Islands. This comes as the ongoing dispute between the parties continues. WUSI general secretary Tony Kagovai yesterday confirmed to this paper that a letter has been sent to…

Top officials end visit

Two visiting top Pacific Games Council (PGC) Officials, President Vidhya Lakhan and Executive Director Andrew Minogue have ended their visit for the evaluation of the Solomon Islands bid for the 2023 Pacific Games. The final part of their visit was the visit to proposed sites for the Games if the country wins the bid to…

Wing Chun open day

THE MP Quan Wing Chun Kung Fu School in West Honiara Honiara will host its open day today Friday, March 18. The open day program will be held at the Bishop Epalle School Hall, Rove, West Honiara. It will give interested people to learn the Introduction to Wing Chun and all enquiries about Wing Chun.…

HNA prepares for 2016 events

The Honiara Netball Association (HNA) will be rolling out its first program for this year as of next month. HNA confirmed this to Star Sports in a statement yesterday. “HNA executive has started preparations for the 2016 events which is set to kick off next month with a Pikinini coaching clinic for girls aged 6…

Vuhokesa ward Easter tournament

VUHOKESA Ward Easter tournament is set to take place next week 26th Marchat the Honiara high school playing ground. The tournament will feature seven aside soccer knockouts and volleyball challenges for sports men and women in and around Honiara. The tournament invites all sport men and women from eleven wards in Honiara city to come…

Opposition backs 2023 Games bid

THE Parliamentary Opposition Group has thrown its support towards the country’s bid to host the 2023 Pacific Games in Honiara. Two countries are bidding for the event, they are Solomon Islands and Tahiti. Yesterday Acting and Deputy Opposition Leader Rick Hou has expressed his support on behalf of the Opposition Group. A statement from the…