United U16 women crowned champs

Western United U16 women’s team is the 2015 champion of the Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF) national women’s U16 soccer championship. United confirmed their victory over Guadalcanal after 120 minutes of play at the SIFF Academy football field. It was Rose Malefo who scored the winning goal after a 1-1 tie which saw the two…

High school rugby action continues

The 2015 Credit Corporation High School Rugby 15s competition continues this week with some exciting matches being lined up. In the Junior category St Joseph Tenaru will take on Mbokonavera at 2pm today -Tuesday 18th August 2015, in the in their first junior category Quarter final. The winner will proceed on to the semifinal while…

Sports seminar kicks off in Auki

A TWO days Sports Facility Survey Working Seminar (SFSWS) for sports associations in and around Auki town kicked off yesterday at the Rarasu Restaurant in Auki, Malaita province. This training focused on rugby, football, tennis, athletics and volleyball officials. Rep from each association in and around Auki town attended the training. It was funded by…

Maneka: Sports brings unity

SOCCER can bring unity and peace in communities says Minister for National Peace, Unity and Reconciliation and MP for North Guadalcanal Samson Maneka. He was speaking during the handing over of T-shirts to Guadalcanal U-16 girls’ team competing in the U-16 girl soccer competition at SIFF academy over the weekend. “Why I supported soccer is…

Guadalcanal U16 gets support

Guadalcanal Under 16 women’s team has been boosted with the donation of T-Shirts and food item on Sunday. The support came from Member of Parliament for North Guadalcanal Samson Maneka. The team received the items just before their semi-final match against Central province which they won comfortably with a 2-0 score line. Speaking to Star…

The golden boot prize winner

Western United women’s U16 team striker, Cathy Vavaha had two things to celebrate on Monday, their victory in the Solomon Islands Football federation (SIFF) U16 National women’s championship and the golden boot trophy. The form five student from Vura secondary school bagged eight goals from four matches played. Speaking to Star Sports after the match…

JFK stadium opening

After five years of waiting a date has been announced for the opening of the JFK Football Stadium in Gizo, Western Province. The Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF) has set the date December 8 for the opening of the stadium which will coincide with the Western Province Second Appointed Day. It will be marked with…

Netball action continues

THE Honiara Netball Association league mid-week matches continued, Wednesday at the Lawson Tama netball courts with two entertaining games. The main match of the day saw Souvania netball team worked home with a successful victory against NG BEES for Premier Reserve battle. Souvania thrashed their opponent in a thrilling battle with a 61-41 score line.…

Guadalcanal, Central to semi

GUADALCANAL and Central Provinces have booked their spot for semi-final matches of the SIFF womens U16 Invitational championship currently taking place at the SIFF Academy. According to SIFF Women Development Officer Diana Justus, Guadalcanal earned their spot after defeating Koloale FC 3-0, Marist FC 1-0 and draw their final pool game 0-0 against Hana FC,…

3×3 teams prepare for debut

Solomon Island will send a men’s and women’s 3×3 basketball squad to compete at the ever first ever FIBA Oceania 3×3 Open Zone Championship in Southport, Gold Coast, Australia. The competition will start on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th September12 and 13. This is an Oceania event and will see teams from all over the…