Gwounaru____u community gets awareness talks

Gwounaru’u community in West Kwara’ae on Sunday had benefited from a very important awareness talk conducted by the representatives from Auki Police, Auki Correctional Centre, and Kilu’ufi Hospital director. According to the Senior Police constable Willie Fafoi who represent the Auki police on the occasion, he said the awareness talk is very important as it…

Muria is new SSPM

LAWYER John Muria Jnr. is the new Special Secretary to the Prime Minister. Office of the Prime Minister announced the appointment on Tuesday. “John Muria Junior has been endorsed by the Public Service Commission to take up a short term appointment as the Special Secretary to the Prime Minister,” a government statement said.. “This is…

Concern over junior officers

MEMBERS of Parliament (MP) are concerned over the conditions of junior government officers who continue to survive on level four and below the Public Service salary scale. This was revealed in parliament during the SI National Anti-Corruption Strategy motion. Each MP expressed his dissatisfaction over the salary scale of these junior officers during the debate.…

Unhappy patient

A PATIENT who recently endures a journey in an attempt to save his health claims that trip almost turns out bad in the hands of a visiting medical team from overseas early this year at Gizo hospital, Western province. Paul To____ofilu who was diagnosed with hernia in January voiced his dissatisfaction in an interview with…

Gud Nius FM back on air

Gud Nius FM is now back on air after temporarily shutting down one and a half years ago. The station was forced to shut down due to a technical fault with their transmitter. Gud Nius FM station manager Tina Alufurai thanked local engineers for finding the replacement parts after a long search to locate the…

HHH draws with Realas

Henderson Hammerheads (HHH) rugby team ended its first match of the 2017 Honiara Rugby Union Association (HRUA) League with a 13-13 draw with Realas on Saturday. The former HRUA champions got off to a positive start, took 10-3 lead in the first half. Despite having a few more chances early in the second half, HHH…


OIL stored in containers at an abandon logging camp at Tanaro, Northwest Guadalcanal is now spilling into the environment. A senior officer from the Ministry of Environment Edward Danitofea told the Solomon Star that these were used oil stored in 150 IBC containers. Mr Danitofea said it is believed that these were from the 500…

Missing student found

A first year student that has been missing for 3 days, since last Saturday, in Suva Fiji, and finally been found early this morning. The missing student is Mr Lloyd Maepeza Taloirau who was located short after midnight last night. He was picked up by police in New Town outside of Suva just after midnight…