What’s in the budget for the people?

SO the Government expects to collect and spend $4.1 billion next year. That was the 2017 budget Finance minister Snyder Rini handed down in parliament on Monday. “Building the nation’s resilience to enhance economic growth and service delivery”, is the theme of the budget. Mr Rini said it is a responsible, credible and sustainable budget…

Let’s use social media wisely

THIS has been an interesting week after last Saturday night’s crowning of the 2016 Miss Solomons Pageant. Camilla Grossmith, who was sponsored by King Solomon Hotel, was our new queen. We congratulate Ms Grossmith and wish her well as she prepares to stake her claim for the Miss Pacific Islands crown. Last Saturday’s crowning ceremony…

We need another 2 markets

THE Honiara City Council’s decision to shut down the roadside market at White River in west Honiara has not gone down well with residents there. This is expected because the market, illegal as it may, was the most accessible to vendors and people of west Honiara. However, the decision is right and the council must…

MOI’s costly mistake

The truth is coming out. So it’s not a surprise that MV Sitka, a Tongan registered vessel that was purchased for Malaita Outer Islands (MOI) constituency, has ran aground in Fiji two weeks ago after it developed mechanical problem. The vessel, according to local marine authorities, is more than 50 years old. Even if Albert…

The issue of ‘unexplained wealth’

INDEPENDENT Group leader Dr Derek Sikua wants the Leadership Code Commission (LCC) to investigate Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s real estate properties. The Solomon Star featured that story in Wednesday’s paper. Prime Minister Sogavare owned a number of properties in Honiara. Dr Sikua wanted the LCC to find out the sources of funding through which Mr…

Respect is a two-way street

A SIGNIFICANT reconciliation ceremony was held on Tuesday at the Guadalcanal Provincial Police headquarters at Henderson, east of Honiara. The event was significant because it eased hostilities and tensions between youths of Guadalcanal and Temotu living in the Lungga-Henderson area. This was after youths from Temotu brutally attacked a Guadalcanal youth and almost killed him.…

What about our roads?

WORK on the Japanese-funded Kukum Highway Road Project is starting soon. The multi-million dollar project will be built by Kitano-WKK JV, a Japanese construction firm. This road project was designed to alleviate the daily traffic congestion, which is now the hallmark of Honiara’s main road. With work to start soon, the public cannot wait to…

Fatai should stand down

HONIARA city councillors will debate a no-confidence vote against mayor Alfrence Fatai soon. This was after the Attorney General gave the all clear for the motion to be tabled. The motion was based on Fatai’s perceived poor leadership. That since he assumed power in February 2015, he has failed to demonstrate the kind of leadership…

Thank you RAMSI, congratulations

Sunday marked the very day RAMSI set foot on our shores.  Thirteen years ago, our friends from the region came to our rescue. Five years of civil unrest has left our nation at the bottom of a deep pit – a dysfunctional government system, a non-performing police force, and a collapsed economy. The region heard…

If you have ears and eyes, listen and see

The police commissioner Frank Prendergast on Friday last week revealed that 10 people have been arrested as a result of the first usage of breathalyzers. The first ten are going to face tough consequences under the newly passed laws. When parliament was about to pass this new traffic laws, the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force…