Securing the common border

LACK of police, immigration, and quarantine presence at the Solomon Islands-Papua New Guinea common border is a long-standing issue. But past governments seem not to have taken it seriously. This may perhaps due to those residing on both sides of the border are blood-related although they belong to two separate independent countries. The recent Parliamentary…

Be calm, it’s business as usual

THE FATE of a no-confidence motion tabled against Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare lies with a High Court ruling expected this morning. The motion, to be moved by Opposition leader Jeremiah Manele, is scheduled for today’s parliament sitting. But the Government, through its political party membership, is challenging in court the Speaker of Parliament’s decision to…

Sabotaging the water source

FOR the past weeks the city had been going through water shortage. Many residents thought it was a direct impact of the El Nino. However, the city continue to experience rainfall at times, yet water cut becomes frequent. Not until an investigation was conducted by a team from Solomon Water on Sunday which uncovered an…

Resolving Renbel dispute is critical

LEADERS and people of Renbel need to sit down together and seriously look at the current dispute that is now fragmenting their communities. The current mining and logging activities on the island of Rennell is not doing any good for people on the island. These activities are instead causing disunity and hostility to a people…

Premiers must demand better use of CDF

THE nation’s provincial premiers are meeting at various locations in Honiara and Guadalcanal this week. Guadalcanal and Honiara are co-hosting the summit, held every two years. “Community Participation in Local Economic Development” is the theme for this year’s event. The theme may be translated to mean how to get members of our communities to take…

PMO – explanations please!

THE Opposition is right. The silence coming from the Office of the Prime Minister on its questionable handling of certain issues is truly deafening. So much so for a government that assumes power on the platform of change. Take the Skyline saga for instance. There have been questions raised about the genuineness of this paper…

Waste of state’s meagre resources

IT would be an absolute waste of the state’s meagre resources if Manaoba Airfield in Malaita, and Lomlom in Temotu, are left to their own devices. The government spent millions of dollars to build these two airfields in the hope they’ll benefit, in particular people of these two regions, and in general the country. But…

$334 million to MPs

THIS commentary is in respect to your above front page headline in your issue for Tuesday, 01/09/2015. The fact that the MPs have in a sense been multi-millionaires from tax payers money has been going onfor a long time now. The recent allocation of national disaster relief funds to the responsibility of MPs further worsened…

NRH deserves closer attention

THE National Referral Hospital (NRH) is yet to get the attention it deserves from the national government. This is despite the importance it holds in the nation’s health sector. We have some of the region’s best doctors working there. We also have a highly committed team of nurses serving the hospital. But their work to…

Shadows of doubt over Skyline Investment

NEW information has emerged, casting doubts over the credibility and genuineness of Skyline Investment Group Company Ltd. This is the Asian company the Sogavare government is courting to build 5,000 homes in Honiara for public servants in the next four years. This same Asian company had earlier promised the government it would rehabilitate Henderson International…