Let’s get the basics right

WE talked so much about tourism. That tourism has the potential to contribute in a big way tothe economy. And that tourism creates more jobs for our people. The government, on the other hand, loves to tell the nation about its plans to develop the tourism industry. That it will allocate more money for the…

Stop robbing our country!

IT is only a matter of months after the Bank South Pacific branch in Auki, Malaita was robbed by armed men, and robbers on Monday strike again. This time, in the heart of Honiara once more and interestingly, at the same spot where a grimly robbery incident occurred just last year – in front of…

A futsal stadium is a must

OUR young futsal stars have made us proud again. The U12 side won the Australian Futsal Championship last week, while the U14 settled for third position in their category. They arrived back in Honiara on Tuesday to a hero’s welcome at Henderson Airport and later had the privileged of having an audience with Prime Minister…

Police-chief partnership works well

IT’S good to see chiefs working closely with police to address law and order issues in the settlements around Honiara. Their close collaboration with the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force’s (RSIPF) Community Policing Unit has resulted in the low record of criminal cases during the festive season. It’s not an exaggeration to say that most…

Let’s fight for a peaceful Solomons

LAW-ABIDING residents of Taba’a settlement in central Honiara have shown the way forward to tackling the illegal home-brew drink kwaso. Through their close collaboration with the police, thousands of litres of kwaso and dozens of marijuana plants were confiscated by police last Saturday. Kwaso and marijuana are scourges to our community. They contributed in a…

The ball is in the landowners’ court

THE future of the newly built Manaoba Airfield in north Malaita now lies in the hands of landowners. If they want Solomon Airlines to service their airfield, they have to sort out the on-going land dispute between them so that the national carrier can fly its aircrafts there. Already, the government has done its part.…

Manaoba – A sad story for this nation

SO the government had spent $60 million to build the tiny airstrip of Manaoba in the northern region of Malaita. On the other hand, Munda, in the Western Province, which was built to international standard, cost only $40 million. Munda has since been receiving local and international commercial flights, while Manaopa is yet to open.…