Gwounaru’u community in West Kwara’ae on Sunday had benefited from a very important awareness talk conducted by the representatives from Auki Police, Auki Correctional Centre, and Kilu’ufi Hospital director.
According to the Senior Police constable Willie Fafoi who represent the Auki police on the occasion, he said the awareness talk is very important as it aims to educate Gwounaru’u community and its surrounding communities on crime prevention, how to stay out of jail and health issues.
Constable Fafoi said the awareness talk was a successful one and he thanked the Gwounaru’u Parish Priest for inviting them to do the awareness talk.
While constable Fafoi is doing the police awareness talks on drugs and alcohol abuse, family violence, and crime prevention, sergeant Anna Diano from the Auki Correctional Centre talked on life in the prison where she encouraged youths to stay away from prison.
Meanwhile, the Malaita Provincial Health Director Dr.Hedry Kako conducted an awareness on HIV and aids and its preventions.
The awareness talk was well attended by the Gwounaru’u people including people from other surrounding communities.
Costable Fafoi acknowledged the partnership between the Auki police; Auki Correctional Centre and the Malaita provincial Health Director in making the awareness program a successful one.
The awareness which started at around 4pm on Sunday afternoon ended at 9pm on Sunday night.
In Auki