PM Sogavare graces 2nd appointed day celebrations in Marau

PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare has graced the Guadalcanal 2nd Appointed Day celebrations in Marau, East Guadalcanal, Monday. Speaking during the celebrations, the Prime Minister thanked the traditional owners of the land for inviting and accepting him and his delegation. The Prime Minister said the theme “Inclusiveness and Sustainability: Harnessing Opportunities through Township, Culture and Tourism…

Petition to DCGA by Honiara-based Malaitans

Dear Editor –  Please allow me space to briefly comment on the above petition purportedly delivered to DCGA by Honiara-based Malaitans. At the outset, the one-page document appears frivolous and vexatious. It was written unfittingly and discourteously on a piece of paper (without letterhead), with no formal address, no salutation, and worst still not signed.…