GHANIAN Bishop Dag Heward-Mills (wearing garland) has arrived in the country yesterday for a visit. Bishop Herward-Mills is based in Accra. He is the founder and presiding Bishop of the United Denominations originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches, formerly known as Lighthouse Chapel International and the United Organization of FirstLove Churches. Bishop Herward Mills,…

Archbishops Cardone and Dawea to represent SI at IARCCUM

THE International Anglican – Roman Catholic Commission for Unity and Mission (IARCCUM) will resume its annual meetings this year after a COVID-19 hiatus. This was confirmed to Solomon Star yesterday by the Archbishop of the Honiara Catholic Diocese Most Reverend Bishop Chris Cardone. Archbishop Cardone said this year, the IARCCUM meetings will be held from…

The Model Steward Canvas: Guiding Christian entrepreneurs towards a Kingdom business

IN a realm where business and spirituality are commonly seen as distinct, Dr Ken Long, author of The Model Steward Canvas, introduces a ground-breaking concept that unites them – business and spirituality. Originating from a programme on business, innovation and discipleship in Papua New Guinea in December 2019, Dr Long and his colleague Christina Hawkins…

Thanksgiving service an evidence of God’s unifying force – PM

THE final combined thanksgiving service in the lead up to the 2023 Pacific Games was held yesterday afternoon at the Saint Barnabas Cathedral. Esteemed dignitaries, including the Governor General Sir David Vunagi, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare, Speaker of the National Parliament Sir John Patteson Oti, Chief Justice Sir Albert Palmer, Cabinet Ministers and Members of…