Christianity in Action

In the next couple of weeks we will be exploring the ‘one another’ injunctions in the New Testament under the theme “Christianity in action.” The contrast between the actual and the potential in the church’s life and ministry can be very depressing. If only we Christians were, and were doing, not just what we should…

DPM joins Koa valley in celebration

Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga yesterday joins Koa valley community in Central Honiara to remember those who lost their lives during the April flash flooding. The visit was an invitation from the community leader to DPM to also attend the St Day and commemoration of those who lost their lives. Speaking at the ceremony Deputy…

Koa valley celebrates St John

For the first time after the April flash flooding community of Koa Valley below Koa Hill near Mataniko river has celebrated St John the Baptist day yesterday. The celebration coincided with the blessing of the church building and to remember those who lost their lives during the flash flooding. Deputy Prime Minister Manasseh Maelanga, community…

Adventist youth congress kicks off

A week long Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Youth Alive congress officially commenced yesterday at the Maranatha Hall, near Burns Creek, East Honiara. The event brought together more than 3000 youth groups and students who are members of the Adventist tertiary and secondary students association (ATSSA) from Honiara, the provinces and overseas countries like Vanuatu, Fiji…

Panpipe group raises $5000 for church

THE Maont Tolo pan-pipers from East Kwara’ae have over the weekend helped raised more than $5000 in aid of a new local South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) Church in Kwaibaita, East Kwara’ae, Malaita Province. The pan-pipers who raised the money during a one night performance put on a string of cultural and contemporary sound tracks…

Niuleni choir back from Viru celebrations

THE Niuleni Community Music Ministry (NCMM), one of the largest singing choirs of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Church has arrived back in Honiara after participating in the weeklong centenary celebrations in Viru, Western province. The NCMM were invited to take part in the celebrations which marked 100 years since the gospel of the Church…

East Russell ordained its first deacon

Catholic communities of East Lavukal in the Russell Islands of Central province have witnessed the historical ordination ceremony of its first ordained deacon over the weekend. Nickson Sade who for some years undertakes his religious studies at the Holy Name of Mary Seminary was ordained on Saturday 21 st June. Mr Sade is said to…

SDA youth convention kicks off Friday

The Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) youth convention will begin this weekend at the Maranatha Hall in Honiara. SDA youths in Solomon Islands and other regional countries are attending the convention that will start this Friday and end next week Friday. A spokesperson from the Solomon Island Mission (SIM) yesterday admitted that preparation around the site…

The Lord is my portion (4)

The fourth and final aspect of our topic in discussion is ‘God’s faithfulness in His proven goodness to His waiting people.’ For a start, Lamentation 3:25 is a confirmation of verse 24. The Lord’s being our portion speaks to us of His sheer goodness. ‘The Lord is good to all’ (Psalm 145:9), but especially, our…

CTS’ workshop on YOUCAT

More than a hundred participants from the Catholic teachers sodality in the Archdiocese of Honiara together with teachers from different church denominations and non government schools, youth and catechists gathered at the Laura Vicuna Hostel at Henderson (Salesian Sisters) for the one week seminar on the YOUCAT from the 16th-20th June.  The YOUCAT stands for…