Church farewells Isabel bishop

MORE than one thousand church members in and around Jejevo parish in the Diocese of Isabel (DOY) witnessed and took part in litugicalo service marking the official retirement of their Diocesan Bishop, the Right Rev. Richard Naramana on Sunday the 20th September 2015. Bishop Richard 65 served as the Diocesan Bishop for 11 years. His…

New church dedicated in Makira

A NEWLY completed church building at Kaokaoragana village, Central Makira, was officially dedicated and opened last Sunday. Dedicated as Holy Cross church, it is an Anglican church, with initial construction work  started  way  back  in  2008  under a special scheme by former Member of Parliament for Central Makira Constituency. Under the scheme, a special arrangement…

Trauma healing training ends

A trauma healing training ended at Holy Cross Cathedral Parish on the 10th September 2015, organised by the Holy Cross Cathedral Parish Pastoral Council Education Committee Chair, Francis F. Lidimani.  This was a second time of such organised programmed taken place at Holy Cross. The first was the food safety and Hygiene training, facilitated by…

Archbishop retires from pastoral duties

The Archbishop of the Church of Melanesia Most Reverend David Vunagi officially retired yesterday after serving six years as the head of the church during a farewell service at St Barnabas Cathedral last Sunday. Thousands of Anglicans from various parishes, schools, dioceses including government officials and Solomon Island Christian Association (SICA) representatives attended the service…

New Anglican priest ordained

THE St Michael Church of Melanesia at Marasa inland West Guadalcanal has ordained its new priest.  He was priest Thomas Vecho. Mr Vecho was ordained over the weekend at St Michael Church. According to North West Guadalcanal Solomon Star stringer John Toki, the priest was ordained by Rt. Ref. Bishop Nathaniel Tome diocese of Guadalcanal.…

St Peter RTC, kindy open day

 St Peter Rural Training Centre (RTC) and the Kindergarten school in Gizo, Western province successfully conducted its open day on Friday. The Supervising Premier for the Western Provincial government officially declared the day opened.  Hon. Marlon Lopoto also declared open a new general workshop of learning for the training centre by cutting the ribbon after…