Miracle to Aust for youth camp

A local gospel singing group – Miracle left for Australia early this week to participate in a youth program. The tour was made possible through an invitation from South Australia conference of the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) church. The group will take part in singing during the youth camp at Tanuda, South Australia. The group…

Church gets huge support for appeal

COMMUNITY services of Seventh-day Adventist (SDA) church had received huge support from the public and church members following a disaster appeal. The church erected a tent at Kukum SDA car-park Tuesday this week for public appeal to assist in whatever people want to donate to the flood victims. The appeal kicked off on Tuesday night…

Islands Bible School Opens

ON Sunday 6th April, 2014 Islands Bible Ministries launches its one-year intensive training program called Islands Bible School. A number of church leaders and friends of the ministry attended the opening service held in Honiara, and the keynote speaker at the opening service was Rev Dr Cliff Bird.   “Paul is a very educated person,…

Bringing Glory to God

The question for our meditation this week is “How do we bring Glory to God?” The Westminster Shorter Catechism rightly answers the question by saying, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and enjoy Him forever.” The person who fears God seeks to live all of life to the glory of God. The Apostle Paul…

Church survives harsh flood

THE St John Baptise chapel of Anglican is the only building that remains standing at Bitiama area at Koa hill after the flooding. All houses within the area were destroyed while the church building itself remained standing. The Solomon Star was able to cross to the other side of Mataniko River to where the chapel…

Church halts programmes

White River South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) has cancelled all its programmes for today, assistant pastor Joseph Olofisau said. The church was flooded when the Whiter River stream over-flowed its banks, inundating homes, clinic, police station and community halls. Pastor Olofisau said their church building is now filled up with mud. “We are yet to…