Girls in ICT Day celebrations Thursday

THE girls in Information Communication and Technology (ICT) Day celebrations will commence virtually, Thursday. Through the celebrations today, Girls in ICT will introduce a lot of significant changes.  Information Technology Society Solomon Islands (ITSSI), President Alice Aote’e announced that three provinces will join the celebrations.  “Western, Malaita, and Makira will be joining the virtual event…

Women in justice sector celebrate day

WOMEN from various institutions and organizations that comprise and contribute towards the justice system in the country had for the first time gathered together to mark International Women’s Day, Thursday. The ‘Women in Law’ breakfast event was held yesterday morning at the Heritage Park Hotel. Guest speaker at the event, our first female local Judge,…

Market vendors in Gizo mark big day

GIZO Market Vendors Association (GMVA) along with women from the surrounding islands of Western Province celebrated the annual International Women’s Day (IWD) on Monday. The event was colorfully commemorated at the Gizo main market seafront. Chairman of Gizo Market Steering Committee, Minister for Women, Youth and Sport, Council of Women and Women leaders, Plastic Wise…

Women leadership in COVID-19 

We need women’s representation that reflects all women and girls in all their diversity and abilities, and across all cultural, social, economic, and political situations. Minister for Ministry of Women Youth Children and Family Affairs Freda Rotutafi Rangirei made this profound statement when she delivered her official speech to mark International Women’s Day (IWD) 2021…

Feraladoa MU equipped with farming tools, seeds

The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAL) through its Honiara Urban City Agriculture office (HUC) has supported Feraladoa St. Peter Mother’s Union group of Tuvaruhu Parish in Honiara with essential farming tools and vegetable seeds. A statement issued by MAL Media Unit said, the support was made possible through funding support under MAL livelihood and…

Call for girl’s camp

WITH the growing number of cases involving rape and abuse against girls in the country, some parents and guardians are calling for the need for girls camps to become a regular program, especially in the Western Province. Sharing her concern Ms. Delrine Samu said having a daughter of her own it is comforting to know…