Like honey from the rock…

A HONEY-BEE keeping training was successfully organised last week at Vavanga community on the west coast of Kolombangara, Western province. The training was made possible under a partnership between the Gizo-based Natural Resources Development Foundation (NRDF) and Kolombangara Island Biodiversity Conservation Association (KIBCA). This workshop was the first step in rolling out KIBCA’s Sustainable Livelihood…

SIWIBA marks 10th anniversary

THE Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) has celebrated its 10th years anniversary yesterday highlighting SIWIBA’s history from where it all begins. The anniversary celebration coincided with SIWIBA monthly Mere market that runs for this whole week, and will end tomorrow. “This anniversary is a milestone for SIWIBA, an honour to share it with…

SIWIBA’s dream into reality

SOLOMON Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) was formed to promote and empower women’s participation as business owners in the private sector. This was SIWIBA’s mission which was established by six inspiring women who recognised the potential of Solomon Islands women’s role in business. “It was an honour to share with everyone the 10 years…

SIWIBA 10th anniversary celebration

The Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) will celebrate its 10th anniversary next week. A statement from the association said, this will coincide with the bi-monthly SIWIBA Mere’s Market for the month of February. To celebrate the 10 years journey, the SIWIBA Secretariat has arranged an extra two days for Mere’s Market, which starts…

YWPG to present survey report

Young Women Parliamentary Group (YWPG) executive will present a survey report to the Minister of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs Jimson Fiau Tanangada today. Adviser to YWPG Marisa Pepa told this paper yesterday the executive comprises of Grace Hilly, Lisa Wini, Kristina Sogavare, Lily Chekana and herself. “We hope that the Ministry in its…

Decision on Family Protection Act

TWO Ministers will decide on when the Family Protection Act 2014 should be put into effect. They are ministers from the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family affairs and the Ministry of Justice. Pioni Boso of the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family affairs highlighted this in a gender equality forum recently. She…

Renbel women wants more awareness

RENBEL council of women president, Rosemary Tenaka says the province needs more awareness on domestic violence against women and children. Mrs Tenaka said, this issue is very important for women in the rural communities to understand.  She highlighted this as part of Renbel PCW priority areas to implement this year. She said, conducting awareness on…

Women clinic yet to start services

SERVICES at the women clinic inside Honiara City Council dental building has been further delayed this year due to lack of equipment. The clinic is being established for women to undergo scanning.  HCC director of nursing Harvest Miabule said, the women clinic will not open until scan machines and dental equipments are ready. “The Ministry…