A young voice against violence

Filomina Aihunu is a teenager who grew up in Honiara. Like other teenagers, Filomina has seen and heard for herself domestic violence happening at home. Her choice to become one of those young advocators against all forms of gender base violence then was no coincidence. “I have experience it myself and it’s not good,” Filomina…

UN Women launches Markets for Change

VENDORS at two key marketplaces in Solomon Islands are set to benefit from a new UN Women project that will inject more than SBD$20 million into making markets safe working environments that promote women’s empowerment through improved market governance, physical infrastructure, and onsite services. Between 75 and 90 per cent of vendors working at Pacific…

Noro Safe House for victims of violence

A SAFE House has been established at Noro, Western Province, to look after women victims of domestic and sexual violence. Noro Safe House is an initiative by Sergeant Elizabeth Takeiango from Noro Police and another female Sergeant from the Gizo Police office to provide shelter and care for the women and children victims of Western…

Mere market next week

The Solomon Islands Women in Business Association or SIWIBA will host its second Mere Market after it was postponed last month. Mere market will kick off on 21st to 23rd (Wednesday to Friday) of May 2014 at the National Art Gallery. As stressed by the SIWIBA president Mrs. Darlcy Tekulu, Mere Market is organized to…

Peaceful mother’s day celebration at Kirakira

MOTHER’S Day was celebrated peacefully in Makira-Ulawa provincial capital Kirakira, police say. Provincial police commander Richard Hane relayed this to the Solomon Star yesterday. “It’s peaceful, there are no criminal incidents over the weekend. People just celebrated with their mothers at home and enjoy themselves,” Mr Hane said. He added this was the same all…

Women engaged to feed flood victims

FOR the past six days, women of United Church in Honiara were engaged to feed six of the evacuation centres in Honiara with simple nutritious meals. The national government provided $50,000 for each church group to assist in feeding the more than 9,000 evacuees who registered at the centres. The United Church women’s group was…

Mere’s market deferred

The Solomon Islands Women in Business Association or SIWIBA has announced that its proposed second Mere’s market had been deferred to a later date. In a statement the association said it regrets to advise the members and the public that the upcoming Meres’ market proposed for April 23rd -25th at Ports Authority Ground ,near Commonwealth…

Mere’s market set

Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) will be hosting this year’s second Mere’s Market from 23rd -25th April at the Ports Authority ground near Commonwealth Street. SIWIBA president Mrs Dalcy Tekulu said: “the key focus of the Mere market is to provide an avenue for our women to participate in economic activities.” She further…