Ella Simata to Japan

I promised to come back after completing my two years of study in Japan to help my beloved country Solomon Islands especially in the field of Tourism. That was according to the 31 years old Ella Lynthia Simata this week. Ms Simata was of the three who were awarded with scholarships from the Japanese International…

SIWIBA members undergo training

The Solomon Islands Women in Business Association (SIWIBA) members have undertaken a three-day Innovative Entrepreneurship for Women in Business in Honiara. The three days training started on Tuesday at the SIWIBA Business Development Centre and concluded yesterday with a formal presentation of certificates to participants. Facilitators are from Israel, Ms. Reem Shachar who is the…

Cervical cancer a top killer

LOCAL women are being urged to come forward freely to conduct screening for cervical cancer even though their body is well. This came after the recent report produced by the National referral Hospital (NRH) sees cervical cancer as topping the list of cancers killing people in the country recently. The report produced by NRH shows…

PM happy with ‘Waka Mere’

Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare was impressed with the initiatives of the “Waka Mere Commitment for Action” programme for women empowerment in the country’s business and labour market. The Prime Minister launched the programme in Honiara last Tuesday in the presence of the Minister of Commerce, Elijah Doromuala and the visiting the Australian Assistant Minister for…

Poultry projects for women

UP to fifty women within North Guadalcanal Constituency will soon receive their poultry projects. Minister and Member of Parliament for North Guadalcanal Constituency, Samson Maneka revealed this to Solomon Star in a short interview on Tuesday. “The women here are very vocal and struggling ones,” Mr Maneka said. He added that their poultry projects have…

West needs a women’s policy

Western Province is working towards getting a Policy for Women well documented as wider Community Consultation has recently been conducted at main towns and Centres across the Province from a team of Women in Gizo and a UN Women rep in Honiara. One such Meeting was conducted last Tuesday in Munda where some fifteen participants…

Tribute to a young leader

A SELFLESS soul, always putting others first, always the last to talk and very professional and diligent in her work. A person who do not want to be given special treatments. That’s the Kyera we know and we will miss. The Young Women’s Parliamentary Group (YWPG) pay tribute to their Leader, Kyera Varnel, also known…

GPCW acknowledges support

GUADALCANAL Provincial Council of Women (GPCW) who played a key role in seeking assistance for the five children of the murdered mother at Marau says they are happy with the support rendered by companies and other groups in the country. President of the Group Alice Anthonia said that after they have made the call for…