HOH visits West Kwaio

A Charitable None Government Organisation in Malaita that deals with orphan children last week paid visits to areas in West Kwaio, Malaita Province. Hearts Of Hope (HOH) president Janet Justice Aihari told Sunday star they went there as part of their visitation and to conduct more awareness to orphans and widows about the group. “We…

SIWIBA to dish out awards to women

WOMEN in business from all sectors will be coming together tonight for an evening of celebration to recognize the valuable contribution that women make towards the economic life of this country. Solomon Islands Women in Business Association in partnership with the Government will host the event at the Heritage Park Hotel. A statement from the…

Women vendors benefiting from games

WOMEN vendors living in Honiara City has benefited directly from the Solomon Games 2016, as the city plays host to this year’s games. This is evident as they nearly occupied some of the games venue in the city. Places like King George, Panatina Rugby pitch, Lawson Tama, and Mamanawata has seen being populated by women…

Selfish taro selling fast

WOMEN of Temotu province are now flooding the Honiara central market with their unique taro known as the ‘selfish taro’. Selfish taro is one of the best taros planted in Santa Cruz and was well known to most people in Honiara. “We are happy to be back again with this selfish taro at the central…

More women graduate with new skills

Twenty three women graduated from the Mary Mazzarello Development Centre at Henderson on the 24th of June. This center is running by the Salesian Sisters for the women to learn skills in sewing and cooking.  The graduation commenced with the Eucharist celebration and Fr. Lawrence OP was the main celebrants.  Concelebrants were Fr. Albert sdb…

Young leaders leave for Myanmar

TWO members of the Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) in Honiara will leave for Yangon, Myanmar, Saturday. Clarine Toki and Betty Sam will be in Myanmar for a week, attending an Asia-Pacific regional training for young women leaders. “Young Women Lead Change” was the theme of the training. Ms Toki said they are happy to…

Women happy with Fathers ministry training

WOMEN of Susu village in east-central Guadalcanal say they are happy with the training conducted for fathers and husbands over the weekend. The women told Solomon Star’s Northwest Guadalcanal stringer John Toki that they believe their husbands will never be the same after again after undergoing the training. “Some of our fathers know little about…

Women end friendship exchange program

HAUNASI women’s group from south Malaita have successfully ended a friendship program they made to Honiara during the Queen’s birthday weekend. The program involved sharing of gifts, as well as learning and interacting amongst women from the Haunasi community and their village folks who are based in Honiara. The theme of the event was “Strong…