Independence volleyball tourney set

SOLOMON Islands Volleyball Federation (SIVF) is inviting clubs and teams who are interested to play in the volleyball competition this Independent Day. Morris Maitaki, President of the Federation this is part of celebrating with the volleyball families. The annual opened club volleyball tournament will kick-off this Friday 7th July 2017 at Justice Court Town Ground.…


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Turtles eye finals

WESTERN Turtles coach Alick Wickham says the Turtles have set their eyes on a spot in the semi-finals after securing valuable 3 points against a courageous Renbel Chiefs, Monday. The Turtles secured maximum points in their 2-1 defeat of the Chiefs. Wickham told the press after the win over Renbel the picture is getting clear.…

Medalists return

Solomon Islands Athletics team who participated at the recent Oceania Athletics Championship returned home on Sunday. Among the 10 athletes were three of the medalists, Patrick Kam, Sharon Firisua and Diana Matekali. The team was welcomed by members of the Athletics Solomon, family and friends upon arrival. National long distance queen Sharon Firisua won two…


The education arrangement signed between the Guadalcanal province and the Canadian International Training and Education Corp (CITREC) of Canada has come under attack. This follows allegation the deal has reaped little investment benefit for the province since 2012. It was revealed that last week province has wired a sum of $650, 000 to the CITREC…

Central leads group A

Central Islands Province football team, Central Shields is leading group A of the 2017 Solomon Cup tournament following their second win at the Lawson Tama Stadium, Sunday. The Shields finished off with an impressive 5-2 over Guadalcanal Hornets who suffered their second straight defeat. Shields slot home four goals and Hornets a goal in the…

Central leads group A

Central Islands Province football team, Central Shields is leading group A of the 2017 Solomon Cup tournament following their second win at the Lawson Tama Stadium, Sunday. The Shields finished off with an impressive 5-2 over Guadalcanal Hornets who suffered their second straight defeat. Shields slot home four goals and Hornets a goal in the…

Sign language training

PARTICIPANTS in the two day sign language training in Auki, Malaita Province have thanked Solomon Islands Deaf Association (SIDA) for giving them the opportunity to learn this important skill. One participant Solomon Jack said the training was an eye-opener for many of them. Mr Jack was a representative of Save the Children Office in Auki…

Six-month jail term for accused

A 17-YEAR-OLD juvenile who run over a two-year-old child with a vehicle he drove last year on Rennell, Renbel Province, will only serve half of the one year jail term imposed on him last Friday. Principal Magistrate Augustine Aulanga also has that one year imprisonment back dated to when he was remanded in custody. “This…