High school volley resume on Wednesday

The Solomon Islands Volleyball Federation (SIVF) High School league will resume next week Wednesday August 12th 2017. SIVF Technical Director and chairman of the high school volleyball league Ricky Boso confirmed this to Star Sports yesterday. Since the league will resume, Boso is calling on all sport masters of interested schools to prepare their teams…

Archery lauds RSIPF for venue

THE Archery Federation of Solomon Islands (AFSI) has thanked the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force (RSIPF) management for availing their sports ground in preparation for the Mini-Games. Speaking to Star Sports, AFSI President Nihal Seneviratne said his executive acknowledged RSIPF management for availing their sports ground to them to use in their preparatory training for…


The nation’s long time cry to own a proper and standard futsal home in the country will soon be a thing of the past. This follows the successful dialog president of the Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF) William Lai and FIFA high level delegation led by FIFA vice President and OFC President David Chung held…

SPOL backs Avaiki with new outfit

The SPOL-Avaiki Rugby Team received its new uniform from major sponsor, the South Pacific Oil Limited (SPOL) as part of its new partnership with the Club. Speaking at the official handover, SPOL Marketing Manager, William Watepuru acknowledged that the company’s partnership with the Avaiki Rugby Club was established earlier through former management. He said the…

White River crown futsal champ

WHITE River Community High School stunned favorites Koloale in the grand-final of the Bulk Shop futsal under-16 yesterday to win the title. The young guns from west Honiara clinched the inaugural Bulk Shop U16 title with a 6-5 victory. Starman Mana grabbed a hatrick and their number 3 notched home a brace in the dying…

Seru calls for good behaviour

President of the Solomon Islands Sports Coalition, Pastor Nacanieli Seru has called on all schools that participated in the Bulk Shop Futsal league to show good behaviour during matches. Pastor Seru made the call following yesterday’s Bulk Shop U16 grand finals which saw supporters from both sides involving in a brawl after the match. Some…

OFC president here

President of the Solomon Islands Football federation (SIFF) William Lai has described the visit of the FIFA Vice president and president of the Oceania Football Confederation (OFC), David Chung as very important for the development of football in the country. Chung arrived yesterday along with the Secretary General of OFC, Tai Nicholas. Lai said since…


Lusibaea, Pacha, Manetoali terminated, major Cabinet reshuffle expected PRIME Minister Manasseh Sogavare has terminated three of his ministers in a major Cabinet shake-up that will also see a number of ministerial changes in the coming days. Axed are Minister of Infrastructure Development (MID) Jimmy Lusibaea, Minister of Environment and Conservation Samuel Manetoali and Minister of…