Top school lay off staff

ELEVEN staff from Woodford International School were made redundant Wednesday last week due to the financial situation currently experienced by the school. A source within Woodford International School told Solomon Star that those made redundant include one teacher, two teaching assistants, five ancillary staff and three admin staff. The source said the main reason was…

Gov’t: Sun report misleading

THE Office of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (OPMC) has described yesterday’s front-page article by the Island Sun alleging the ‘Government goes through backdoor to borrow from worker’s (SINFP) savings’ as unfounded and misleading. A statement from the OPMC said contrary to what the author of the article, Alfred Sasako has claimed, the Government went…

PM hails updated media code of ethics

Prime Minister Hon Manasseh Sogavare has welcomed the newly updated Media Code of Ethics adopted by the Media Association of Solomon Islands (MASI) has been welcomed by Prime Minister. A statement from the Prime Minister Press Secretariat said Manasseh Sogavare has encouraged all media outlets in the country to strictly abide by the regulations in…


Malaita province sports coordinator Eddie Omokirio has promoted gender equality in sports by engaging young girls in football coach trainings. The latest was at Garata school in Baegu, North Malaita which was attended by 30 female students from the school. It was the first for these young girls in the area to participate in such…

Poor response to league call

Only two football clubs have registered for the Honiara Football Association (HFA) Pre-season competition so far. This was confirmed by Marlon Houkarawa of the HFA Administration. The two teams are Juniper FC and Solomon Sheet Steel FC. Houkarawa said if there are no more teams to register, these two teams will go straight to the…

Futsal semis tomorrow

The Honiara Thunder Futsal Championship will host its semi finals tomorrow, Saturday April 25. Matches will be held at the Multipurpose Hall Court. The first semi final will see Paramatyr Kingz taking on SALT followed by the second semi featuring Breezeland and F.Heights. Matches will kick off at 9am and teams are strongly urged to…

New Borderline Police Post needed

CHIEFS at the Borderline, East Honiara has reiterated the call for the rebuilding of the Borderline Police Post during a meeting with the police recently. The chiefs said if the Borderline Police Post is rebuilt, the crime rate in the area will reduce. They said some of the increasing criminal incidents happening at Borderline include,…

Boy, 18, still missing

AN adult woman has lost her life and an 18-year-old boy is still missing as a result of a boat collision that occurred near Kolombangara Island, Western Province, last Friday. Police Commissioner Matthew Varley at his weekly conference, Thursday told reporters that police are still searching for the young lad who was thrown into the…