RENDOVA Devon of Rendova Harbour in North Rendova, Western Province has been crowned champion of the Kenwood Harry’s Cup 2025. The soccer tournament was staged at the Turaga soccer field in Ughele village, South Rendova. The tournament concluded last Wednesday after two weeks of intensive matches by the participating teams. Devon beat Malangana Dolphin 1:0…


THE Tuasulia 2024 Christmas Sports Tournament held in Dala North, West Kwara’ae, Malaita Province, brought together some of the country’s national football players to share their valuable experiences with village-based footballers. This event was hailed as a significant achievement for players who have spent most of their lives in villages because it gave them the…


SOLOMON Islands national veteran footballer and Solomon Warriors forward Dennis Ifunaoa has announced his retirement from national football after his debut in the Melanesian Spearhead Group (MSG) Prime Minister’s Cup (PM’s) 2024 in Honiara. Ifunaoa is one of the true legends of the game, having shown commitment to football at both the national team level…

Tegano rugby 7s set

THE Tegano Rugby 7s Competition 2025 is set to kick off next week at the Vaigau field, Niupani village, in East Rennell, Renbel Province. The two-day event will be staged on Wednesday 15 January and Thursday 16 January. The Tegano Rugby 7s Competition 2025 Organising Committee said they were thrilled to announce the resumption of…