Drivers urged to obey traffic rules

Police Commissioner Matthew Varley is appealing to bus drivers to try and obey the traffic regulations. The appeal was issued on Thursday during his weekly police conference at the Rove Police headquarters. “I appeal to public bus drivers to do their best to obey traffic regulations,” Mr Varley said. “I know they are convening their…

Malaita faces shortage in medical workers

THE shortage of medical workers in Malaita Province has affected some of the province’s health services to its people. A source with the Malaita Province Health Division said the shortage of medical workers has forced the province to temporarily close some clinics in the province. One of the clinics currently temporarily closed since the beginning…

New Finland envoy present credentials

THE REPUBLIC of Finland ambassador to the Solomon Islands on Thursday presented his letter of credentials to the Acting Governor General at the Government House in Honiara. The newly appointed Finland ambassador is Lars Backstrom. Speaking during a short ceremony to present his the letter of credence, Acting Governor General Jasper Nasiu said, Solomon Islands…

‘Probe Blue boats report’

RESPONSIBLE government ministries have been urged to investigate reports of ‘Blue Boats’ sightings off the Coast of Anuta Island, in Temotu Province recently. Following the sightings, the natives of Anuta said they were curious about these ‘blue boats’ as they used to stay afloat outside a nearby reef and probably do their illegal acts. The…

Kuma: Extra scholarship unbudgeted for

The issue of increasing demand for tertiary scholarships every year is pressurising the government to exhaust its limited funds, which contributes to low cash flow in the treasury. This was revealed by Permanent Secretary (PS) for Ministry of Finance and Treasury (MoFT) Harry Kuma when he appeared before the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) on Wednesday.…

PMO backs San Isidro

Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) has financially supported the Catholic owned San Isidro centre in Aruligo, Northwest Guadalcanal with $497,357 to ensure the country’s deaf and mute students can learn trade and life skills. This was revealed during the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) hearing into the 2016 supplementary budget 2017 yesterday. Delegation from PMO revealed in…

Landowner threatens to close Tamboko bridge

North-West Guadalcanal landowner, Daniel Kikele, threatens to temporarily shut down the Tamboko bridge if the government fails to settle their remaining payments this week. Landowner Kikele on Thursday told the Solomon Star that he will temporarily shut down the access bridge today because Ministry of Lands didn’t pay their land damage claims. “The Permanent Secretary…

Finland envoy vows to promote ties

THE newly appointed Finland ambassador to Solomon Islands Lars Backstrom says he will do his best to promote relations between both nations. Mr Backstrom was speaking at the Government House in Honiara when presenting his credentials before the Acting Governor General Jasper Nasiu on Thursday. “As Ambassador of Finland to the Solomon Islands I will…