How Strong Democratic Values Help Defeat a Pandemic   

If ever the world needed a reminder of the critical importance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic is it.  The coronavirus knows nothing of national boundaries, race, religion, nationality, or politics.  We are at risk simply because we are human. But we can – and we will – defeat this virus using the strengths that respect for human…

Our health cannot be compromised

IN January this year, the government has “established a high level, multi-sector Corona Virus Oversight Committee, chaired by the Secretary to Cabinet to assess and to coordinate the response to the Corona Virus threat to the country according to the National Address presented by the Hon Prime Minister. In the same speech, the Prime Minister…

Financial Accountability, Responsibility and Transparency- Central Islands Province

Transparency Solomon Islands commends and congratulates the Central Islands Province for its 2018/19 Financial Statement clean audit report as reported in the Ministry of Provincial Government and Institutional Strengthening press release of 6th March 2020.  Congratulations and well-done Central Islands Province.  Having worked with you in your communities, with your administration in our face to…

Emergency powers: the ship tragedy

TRANSPARENCY Solomon Islands is greatly saddened by the tragedy of the 27 people that went overboard as they comply with the measures that were announced by the Executive Government, going home to their province to be safe from COVID 19.  Transparency Solomon Islands Board Members and staff are saddened at the fatal disasters of West…

COVID-19 reaches the Pacific

COVID-19 is now present in the Pacific islands region.  There are around 30 confirmed cases in the region, with the first death having occurred in Guam.  A number of countries have declared states of emergency, including Nauru, Samoa, Tonga, and Papua New Guinea.  In addition, many countries have effectively closed their borders with international flights…

Our appeal in light of COVID-19

TRANSPARENCY Solomon Islands lauds and commends the Ministry of Health and Medical Services in their tireless efforts towards protecting the Solomon Islands from the COVID- 19 pandemic that is affecting the countries of the world regardless of their development status.  This is a mammoth task for a Ministry that is mandated, tasked and expected to…

‘Spirit of Solomons’ more than an aircraft but a legend symbolising courage, ingenuity

Solomon Airlines new flagship, an Airbus A320, aptly named “Spirit of Solomons” arrived at Henderson International Airport on Saturday afternoon. The new aircraft recently underwent painting and seat installation in Townsville, Australia. The arrival of the aircraft comes at a time when the Solomon Islands, like so many other countries, is facing the threat of…

Kotalewala is not a ‘do-gooder’

By WILLIAM BARILEFormer CEO, SIPA THERE is a time and place for all things worthy of publicity.   The incumbent Chief Executive Officer of Solomon Islands Ports Authority Eranda Kotalewala could not have erred more on both scores.   The sweeping statement made Wednesday 18th December on page 3, Issue 2434 of The Island Sun Newsaper; to…