The fence

I SWEAR it wasn’t my fault. But, it didn’t matter. Everybody was convinced it was my fault. I was the one who ran into the barbed wire fence. And now, I stood before my mother, crying at the top of my lungs, blood dripping from a gash across my chest and down my naked round…

God must be loved for Himself

Welcome to the ‘Thought for the Week’ column as we venture into this New Year, 2018. Last week, we read and hear from all media outlets of a leader of a cult movement who made a prophecy to his followers and not fulfilled. The leader of this so-called movement and others similar movements used the…

Learning from Thailand

One country, one product project By FRANK SHORTBangkok, Thailand   I WAS delighted to read in today’s edition of the Solomon Star that the Director General of the Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA) Suphatra Srimaitreehithak had met with the Supervising Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and External Trade William Soaki on Tuesday.…

The status of SINPF in 2015

Background and Overview THE SINPF was established under the SINPF Act 1973. The vision of the institution is to provide comfortable life after retirement through a sustainable contribution growth. The vision is founded on this mission statement: “Protecting and preserving contribution savings of members. In this connection, the Fund attempts to optimise growth through prudent…

Rhinoceros beetle – What can I do?

THE coconut rhinoceros beetle recently arrived in Solomon Islands and is causing serious damage to coconut palms on Guadalcanal, Savo, North Malaita and Ngela. Many people are asking, “What can I do about this new pest?” Government has already begun work with technical experts in Solomon Islands and overseas on scientific solutions to the pest…

A CoI into BoH trust fund is a must

PRIME Minister Rick Hou has promised to take the lead to address corruption. His comments on the front page of the Solomon Star last year on Saturday 16th December 2107 at an event organised to mark the Anticorruption Day on Friday 15th December 2017 saw him assuring the nation of his Government’s stance on the…

Finding the Will of God

I invite you to our discussion this week as we look at the topic, “Finding the Will of God.” It is my prayer that somehow this will be a help to you to find God’s divine purpose for your life. I believe that we are not in this world by accident but by God’s divine…

Re: Where’s our sovereignty?

More than a month ago on 14/08/2017 your paper carried an exceptional article by Mr. William Gua under the above title which reminds me of a political ‘monsoon’ that bore similar sentiment more than three (3) decades ago on the eve of Independence and as such, I wish to tread into the ‘No Go’ zone…

Attitudes (2)

Thought for the Week By Rev. Eric D. Maefonea (SWIM)  I again invite you to our continuing discussion on the topic “Attitudes.” One of the biggest challenges facing us today is attitude. If we want to see change happening, then we must first have a change of attitude as individual Solomon Islanders. Many think that…