University education for Solomons

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University education for Solomons

I READ with a great deal of interest Clement Kengava’s letter to the Star dated 6 September under the title referenced “University Education for Solomon Islands”. I write to express my strong support for the views expressed by Clement. The ideas and views he expressed should have been considered at the time. Indeed, there is…

‘Small and Far’

The uncertain agenda of the Pacific Islands Forum WITH a focus on economic growth, the central theme of this week’s Pacific Islands Forum is “Small and Far – Challenges for Growth.” It’s yet another confusing message from the Forum. Just two years ago in Palau, Forum organisers celebrated island nations as “Large Ocean States” rather…

University education for SI

Two events which took place last month (August) as reported in the media are in my  opinion should not be ignored by the National Government and stakeholders in education development and services in the country. 1.     During USP SI Campus Open Day, the Acting Director Dr. Patricia announced that USP has secured its land title…

Truthfulness in communications and reconciliation the only ways forward

Last week the Prime Minister, Hon Manasseh Sogavare, launched the Information Technology Society of Solomon Islands (ITSSI) when he said the establishment of ITSSI provided an excellent opportunity for the Solomon Islands Government to obtain its professional views on the draft National Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Policy. Prime Minister Sogavare, added during the official…

Justice for the Poor and Marginalised

I invite you to this very important discussion over the next couple of weeks to look at the subject, “Justice for the Poor and Marginalised.” The Bible speaks loud and clear that involuntary poverty is an offense against the goodness of God. It is related in the Bible to powerlessness, for the poor cannot protect…

The logging sector practices

AS a follow up of our article on the corrupt practices and conduct in logging industry, we here share some experiences of our clients. Our laws requires that any person/entity who wishes to carry on business in the country as a timber exporter or sawmiller in regards to customary land, such a person/entity must seek…

What does it really mean?

BY the time you are reading this commentary, Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare’s delegation would have been on its way home. It had spent the last eight days in Taiwan meeting the key people in the island’s new administration. Prior to its departure, the people of Solomon Islands were told the purpose of the visit. Prime…

Aqorau farwells PNA

Solomon Islander DR TRANSFORM AQORAU officially leaves Parties to the Nauru Agreement (PNA) this Sunday where he was chief executive officer (CEO) for the last five years. Below was his farewell statement made at the 11th Annual PNA Ministerial meeting on Kiritimati Island, Kiribati, Tuesday this week: IT is indeed an honour to be making…

Honiara public transport dilemma

I WONDER if the Honiara City Council still exists and functioning! The Honiara public transport issue had been shelved in deep waters under deep rock. This long outstanding and unresolved matter now casts doubtful confidence in the minds of simple commuters and the general traveling public against the city [local] government. The question that now…