Family Violence – Problem blong iumi evriwan

NEXT week marks the one-year anniversary of Solomon Island’s Family Protection Act. The government and the people of Solomon Islands should be congratulated on this landmark legislation. The Act is important because it sends a clear signal that family violence is unacceptable, anywhere, anytime. It also establishes important new rights to protect people from family…

Rate of ocean warming quadrupled

THE buildup of heat-trapping greenhouse gases is warming the upper ocean four times faster than during the period 1960-1990, according to new research. The paper, published 10 March in the journal Science Advances, is the latest effort to piece together current and historical measurements from ships, self-propelled floats, satellites and even seals to get a…

The Christian Life Principle

Once again, welcome to our final discussion on our topic in discussion ‘Life Principles.’ In my previous presentations, I highlighted three main principles which dominate the scene of leadership in our world today. They are Pleasure, Power, and Possession. The point is not to set oneself on the throne of judgement, or to pity from…

A vision is a mission to accomplish

THE National Constitution do not protect the land but it allows land manipulation hence it prostitutionalised the tribal land. The constitution is very colonial it has many colonial words with destructive intentions. These words are corruptions and briberies hence our system of governance is a corrupted system. It destroys the very fabric of our society,…

MP Parapolo’s 3-columns policy

A STATEMENT by the prime minister while concluding the debate on the Anti-Corruption Strategy is interesting. Thumbs up to Prime Minister Manasseh Sogavare when he uttered something like this; “it is not wrong to assume that members who got into parliament through corrupt means will continue to practice corruption as a parliamentarian”.   Although these were…

A ‘historical’ bill

THANK you for giving me the opportunity to speak on this important and historical bill the Solomon Islands Tertiary Education and Skills Bill 2016.  Sir, historical because this is the first time we will have a legal framework that will govern and regulate tertiary education and skills development in this country. Sir, at the outset…

Allow women to partake

“BOTH now and then, we had to accept your eternal wars.  And patiently we forgave whatever you did.  You didn’t receive critics – you were our idol.  But we did understand your play.  When we smilingly asked you “How did your peace negotiations go?  Did you decide upon peace?”  The man said: “Don’t bother.  Leave…