How a magistrate bullied us

ON the 24th of March, 2014 we were in a court room at the Honiara Magistrate waiting for our Customary Land Appeal Court (CLAC) cases to be heard. We were all expecting an independent panel that is biased free and have no conflict of interest to appear and preside over our cases. We neither expect…

Why do avoidable deaths occur?

THE remarks below were made by an Australian Judge Justice Stephen Pallaras, who had been serving in the country. These were remarks made in relation to a murder case he judged. This is the observation he made in relation to deaths and service provided by the National Referral Hospital. I have been fortunate to have…

Women in men’s world

WHEN you think of SIEA (Solomon Islands Electricity Authority), you normally think of men in orange overalls working on power poles or fixing generators, or checking meter boxes. You never think of women doing this, they are usually in the office behind desks or serving customers. But at around the turn of the century, two…

What Spain can do for Solomon Islands

TEN years after the last time Spain was part of the UN Security Council, my country has decided to launch a new candidacy for a non-permanent seat for the biennium 2015-2016. Why? Because Spain is a reliable international team player. During the past decade our commitment to the United Nations principles has remained as strong…