Micro finance course for church members

THE ongoing micro finance expansion project (MEP) will give Papua New Guineans knowledge on how to deal with financial matters and banking institutions. MEP training specialist Andy Philip said a weeklong training for trainers (TOT) recently involved 14 church leaders and members who took up courses on savings and budgeting. The participants included seven women.…

SIWIBA outlines plans

THE Solomon Islands Women in Business Association group have carved out its activities and plans for this year. Last year the association organised a number of events for its members including numerous displays of women’s talents through art works, designs, floral and cooking. This year, they held their first meeting last week for its members.…

Women plan for big day

THE organising committee for this year’s International Women’s Day (IWD) is currently planning programmes for the event, which will be held next month. IWD is an annual event marked each on the 8 of March with different themes selected to reflect the event. This year UN Women’s office in Honiara is part of the organising…

Getting it done leadership

Last week we looked at the first of the purpose-oriented characteristics of leadership ‘A leader must be a visionary person.’ The second characteristic of a purpose-oriented leadership is ‘turning vision into action.’ It’s easier to be passionate about the future if we can visualise where we want to go and how we are going to…