East Russell ordained its first deacon

Catholic communities of East Lavukal in the Russell Islands of Central province have witnessed the historical ordination ceremony of its first ordained deacon over the weekend. Nickson Sade who for some years undertakes his religious studies at the Holy Name of Mary Seminary was ordained on Saturday 21 st June. Mr Sade is said to…

SDA youth convention kicks off Friday

The Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) youth convention will begin this weekend at the Maranatha Hall in Honiara. SDA youths in Solomon Islands and other regional countries are attending the convention that will start this Friday and end next week Friday. A spokesperson from the Solomon Island Mission (SIM) yesterday admitted that preparation around the site…

Noro hosts SSEC women convention

The South Sea Evangelical Church (SSEC) regional womens convention opens today in Noro, Western province. Honiara, Central and Western region of the SSEC church are hosting this year’s regional seminar. More than 300 women from Western, Choiseul, Malaita, Guadalcanal and Honiara  are attending the regional convention meeting which aims to bring women from different regions…

Vanuatu women here for convention

About ten (10) female members from the Baptist Church in Port Vila, Vanuatu are in the country to attend a South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) women’s regional convention in Noro, Western province. The ladies arrived on Sunday from Vanuatu and headed down straight for Noro onboard MV Fair Glory. The convention will open today. Honiara…

The Lord is my portion (4)

The fourth and final aspect of our topic in discussion is ‘God’s faithfulness in His proven goodness to His waiting people.’ For a start, Lamentation 3:25 is a confirmation of verse 24. The Lord’s being our portion speaks to us of His sheer goodness. ‘The Lord is good to all’ (Psalm 145:9), but especially, our…

Inner Circle rocks Honiara

ON Sunday night, Jamaican reggae group Inner Circle put on an energetic performance leaving the crowd still yearning for more reggae beats. The band brought their special style of pop-oriented Jamaican beats and energy filled the crowd with live energy that sets Heritage Park Hotel car park into a reggae dance floor. The concert was…

Western women launch savings clubs

Women in Gizo and surrounding island communities have celebrated a historic launch of their savings clubs over the weekend. The one day programme that was held in Gizo brought together more than 300 women who have participated in various activities to celebrate the first six months of their savings clubs initiative. Dr Alice Pollard who…

Rural women to benefit from micro-loan

Women of Gizo and surrounding communities in the Western prpvince will benefit from a Revolving Fund that was officially launched in Gizo last week. Director of WWF Australia made the announcement last Friday during the launching celebration of the Women Saving Club. Seven zones of women within Gizo Environment Livelihood Conservation Association (GELCA) and Nusatuva…

Gizo women celebrate in style

Women in Gizo, Western province have celebrated their historic six month old saving club last Friday in the township. With more than 500 members, the serving club has so far managed to save $84,780.14. More than 300 women consisting of seven zones within the community turned up for the celebration which featured speeches and entertainment.…

CTS’ workshop on YOUCAT

More than a hundred participants from the Catholic teachers sodality in the Archdiocese of Honiara together with teachers from different church denominations and non government schools, youth and catechists gathered at the Laura Vicuna Hostel at Henderson (Salesian Sisters) for the one week seminar on the YOUCAT from the 16th-20th June.  The YOUCAT stands for…