PCW aims to establish centres in provinces

THE Provincial Councils of Women (PCW) have agreed to establish resource centre buildings in each province this year. During a gender equality forum attended by seven PCW representatives from seven provinces, the women concluded that it is important resource centre buildings are established in the provinces as focal points in the ongoing struggle to empower…

Local Adventist Ministers attending training

LOCAL Adventist Pastors and Ministers are amongst the 138 Seventh day Adventist Church (SDA) Church Ministers and Pastors around the region that are currently in Fiji attending a two weeks theological workshop training. Theologians from Andrews University and Lasierra University in United Kingdom are facilitating the workshop with support of South Pacific Division (SPD) in…

Kids receive Church confirmation

TWENTY four (24) children from St Batholomew church Maravovo community receive their church confirmation, Saturday. They have signed a sacrament of confirmation with Bishop Nathan Tome to become Christians and work in the church. Bishop Nathan Tome said, the confirmation is a commitment for children to have strong faith to serve God. “When people receive…