Chapuru consecrates new church

A NEW local church has been consecrated over the weekend at Chapuru community, Visale sub-station in North West Guadalcanal. According to John Toki, Solomon Star’s Guadalcanal correspondent, close to a thousand people have braved the heavy down pour on Saturday to witness the blessing of the new church. “These people came from communities in Guadalcanal,…

Bishop Quity outlines goals

THE newly consecrated Bishop Ellison Quity for the Diocese of Ysabel on Sunday has outlined his key priorities for the Diocese. One of his priorities for the diocese is to tackle the current financial problem experienced in the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACoM). “I will try my best that from now on, Ysabel diocese will…

ACOM to elect new Archbishop Feb 12

The Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) will elect its new Archbishop next month. ACOM General Secretary Dr Abraham Hauriasi said the election will take place on 12 February. This was to replace Archbishop David Vunagi who retired late last year. Hauriasi said the provincial electoral board of the Church will conduct the election. The Archbishop…

Training for women market vendors here

UNITED Development Programme (UNDP) in partnership with Bank South Pacific (BSP) yesterday started a Training of Trainers (TOT) under the Market for Change (M4C) project. Markets for Change project is a six-year multi-country initiative that aims to ensure marketplaces in rural urban areas if Fiji, Solomon Islands and Vanuatu are safe, inclusive and non-discriminatory, promoting…

Ministry prepares for women’s day

THE Women’s Division within the Ministry of Women, Youth, Children and Family Affairs together with the Honiara City Council are preparing to co-host the International Women’s Day this year. Spokesperson Sarah Buka told the Solomon Star yesterday the annual event will be celebrated on March 8th this year. “We will meet this coming Friday to…