Voter behavior study underway

The Young Women Parliamentary Group (YWPG) is embarking on a project to find out voters’ behavior in the country when it comes to electing a women. This comes as the election day is just a week away. In an interview, the principal civic officer of the national parliament Marisa Pepa, said they have engaged Youth@…

Solomon’s fashion week opens

SOLOMON Fashion week opened on Monday with a showroom of beautiful raiment and jewels, before Lady Grace Kabui unveil the banner of inauguration of Solomon Fashion week 2014. Proceedings were unveiled at the Art Gallery exhibition room with an impressive selection of designs from members of the Association of Solomon Islands In Creative Fashion, where…

YWCA regional training ends here

MEMBERS of the Pacific Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) ended their regional leadership and skills building training workshop in Honiara last Friday.  Solomon Islands hosted the week-long training, which attracted delegates from Papua New Guinea and Samoa. The training waspart of the World YWCA movement’s initiative to reflect on the work it has been conducting…

Youths learn about mercy of God

Youth who attended the Divine Mercy congress yesterday at Holy Cross Cathedral, were spiritually empowered from the presentation that was given by the main speakers, Mrs Lesina Levi from Samoa and Mr John from Australia. The message given was mainly on the Divine Mercy of God. From the presentation the youth learnt more about the…

Workshop on Family Protection Act

WOMEN’S Rights Action Movement (WRAM) in partnership with Vois Blong Mere Solomon islands will organise a one day workshop and forum on the Family Protection Act today. The workshop will be held at Kairos conference room, Hyundai Mall. The aim is for media groups to become aware of the Act and strategies needed to report…

Diet talks for women

A ONE session to encourage mothers to prepare a balance diet for their families each meal was conducted on Tuesday at Kobito South Seas Evangelical Church (SSEC) church, East Honiara. Two health workers from the SSEC health department facilitated the talks. The event allowed the women to do demonstration and asked questions about taking right…

YWCA regional training underway

A Pacific Young Women’s Christian Association (YWCA) regional leadership and skills building training workshop is currently underway in Honiara. The Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) in Solomon Islands is hosting the event with saw other YWCA delegates from Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Samoa attending it. ‘Our Future: Moving forward in advancing Inter-generational Approaches to…