“Where truth there is life.”

The Dominican Mass Centre of the Good Shepherd Parish at Henderson celebrated their feast day St. Dominic on the 8th of August. He was the founder of the Dominican friars and sisters who are dedicating their lives in serving the people of God by their teaching and preaching of the Gospel. The Eucharistic Celebration was…

US expert to lead seminar for women here

U.S. entrepreneurship expert Samira Cook Gaines will give women entrepreneurs the insight and skills they need to get ahead in business during her August 14-18 visit to Honiara. During her visit, Gaines will highlight the importance of women’s entrepreneurship to the economic development and growth of Solomon Islands. She will lead motivational and practical workshops…

Women discuss gender equality

THIRTY stakeholders from across government, civil society organisations and development partners attended a one-day consultation to discuss the challenges and achievements in implementing the Government’s national gender equality and women’s development policy. The government policy was endorsed in 2010 and expires at the end of 2015. “We recognise the Ministry for Women, Youth, Children and…

AGM for Malaita council of women

Malaita provincial council of women will hold its Annual General meeting  from 19th to 21st August 2015. The President of  Malaita Provincial council Mrs Martha Rurai had appealed  to women’s organisation to come forward to attend this AGM. “Its important for the election of new office bearers to look after the welfare of the organisation.…

More women in North Guadalcanal get solar

TWO hundred elderly mothers and those with special needs within North Guadalcanal Constituency (NGC)on Tuesday received solar kiteach thanks to their Member of Parliament (MP)Samson Maneka. The ceremony to handover the solar kits was conducted at Nguvia Catholic station near GPPOL 2. The handing over of the items coincided with the second appointed day celebration…