ACOM Archbishop tours Malaita’s south

THE Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM) the Most Reverend Leonard Dawea visited Southern and Arekwa regions of the Diocese of Malaita from 13th to 20th August. He visited, Hoasiteimwane parish hosted by Manepora community, Sa’a Parish and Walande Parish in Small Malaita region and Marou Parish hosted by Potani’u and Waroha Parish…

Premier into books supply deal

Guadalcanal Province Premier, Francis Sade has reportedly signed a contract for the supply of exercise books for the Guadalcanal Provincial Schools in return for a commission, according to documents obtained by the Solomon Star. The document, sighted by this paper showed Premier Sade signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with road construction firm, NAYA Company…